Adult Awards
Adult Training Awards:
Wood Badge is a Scouting leadership program and the related award for adult leaders in the program of Scout associations throughout the world. Wood Badge courses aim to make Scouters better leaders by teaching advanced leadership skills, and by creating a bond and commitment to the Scout movement. Courses generally have a combined classroom and practical outdoors-based phase followed by a Wood Badge ticket, also known as the project phase. By "working the ticket", participants put their newly gained experience into practice to attain ticket goals aiding the Scouting movement. The first Wood Badge training was organized by Francis "Skipper" Gidney and lectured at by Robert Baden-Powell and others at Gilwell Park (United Kingdom) in September 1919. Wood Badge training has since spread across the world with international variations.
On completion of the course, participants are awarded the Wood Badge beads to recognize significant achievement in leadership and direct service to young people. The pair of small wooden beads, one on each end of a leather thong (string), is worn around the neck as part of the Scout uniform. The beads are presented together with a taupe neckerchief bearing a tartan patch of the Maclaren clan, honoring William de Bois Maclaren, who donated the £7000 to purchase Gilwell Park in 1919 plus an additional £3000 for improvements to the house that was on the estate. The neckerchief with the braided leather woggle (neckerchief slide) denotes the membership of the 1st Gilwell Scout Group or Gilwell Troop 1. Recipients of the Wood Badge are known as Wood Badgers or Gilwellians.
Atlanta Area Council Woodbadge Site Click Here
Powder Horn
Powder Horn is a training opportunity designed to expose scout leaders at all levels and older scouts to program possibilities and resources necessary to operate a successful High Adventure Program in their unit.
It is important to understand that Powder Horn is not a personal development course or a team-building experience. Its purpose is to educate the youth and adult Scouting leaders about specific high-adventure skills, to connect them to resources to deliver those skills, and to get them excited about delivering those skills in an exciting, challenging way to youth.
The next Atlanta Area Council’s Powder Horn course will be conducted over three (2-day) weekends. The Atlanta Area Council will host its 7th Powder Horn Training Course in the Fall of 2019 split between all 3 council camps; Allatoona, Woodruff, and Bert Adams, each on a different weekend. Thereafter, the council will host a course annually each fall.
Atlanta Area Council Powder Horn Site Click Here
District Award of Merit
The District Award of Merit is a council award presented by districts in the same manner that the Silver Beaver is a national award presented by councils.
The award is available to Scouters who render service of an outstanding nature at the district level.
The award is made available annually on the basis of 1 for each 25 traditional units or fraction thereof. The district need not present all the awards to which it is entitled each year.
It is not appropriate to nominate a Scouter who has already received this award.
A professional Scouter or other council employee may not receive this award based on employment service. However, a professional
Scouter or employee who also serves as a volunteer Scouter may be eligible, based on volunteer service.
A nominee must be a registered Scouter.
A nominee must have rendered noteworthy service to youth in Scouting, outside Scouting, or both.
Note: The nature and value of “noteworthy service to youth” may consist of a single plan or decisions that contributed vitally to the lives of large numbers of youth or it may have been given to a small group over an extended period of time.
Consideration must be given to the nominee’s Scouting position and the corresponding opportunity to render outstanding service beyond the expectations of that Scouting position.
The nominee’s attitude toward and cooperation with the district and/or council is to be taken into consideration.
Nominations cannot be considered for posthumous awards

Silver Beaver
The Silver Beaver Award was introduced in 1931 and is a council‐level distinguished service award of the Boy Scouts of America. Recipients of this award are registered Scouters who have made an impact on the lives of youth through service given to the council. To prevent embarrassment, the candidate should not be notified of this nomination.

Silver Antelope & Silver Buffalo
Beyond service to the local council, the Silver Antelope is given at the regional level and the Silver Buffalo is given at the national level. These are presented at the National Annual Meeting of the BSA. In addition to certificates and medals, the Silver Antelope has a yellow-and-white square knot and the Silver Buffalo has a red-and-white square knot to be worn on the uniform.
Rocking Chair Patrol
Troop 431 leaders have their own patrol. It's the rocking chair patrol! Below are the requirements to become a member.
Scoutmaster/Assistant Scoutmaster
Buy and wear a uniform
Be a trained leader
Youth Protection
Boy Scout Leader Specific (BSLST)
Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS)
Weather Hazards
Attend three Roundtables
Serve as a mentor to a youth leadership position
Committee Member
Buy and wear a Uniform
Participate in at least one Board of Review
Attend three Roundtables
Be a Trained Leader
Youth Protection
Troop Committee Training