Merit Badge Process
This page outline the three processes for obtaining Merit Badges:
On your own
At Summer Camp
At a Merit Badge Clinic
Earning a Merit Badge on your own:
Review your Rank Progression. Review the Rank Requirements for your current and upcoming Ranks to understand what Merit Badges you will soon need to advance and to keep pace on your Eagle-Required Merit Badges. Discuss your plan and timeline to achieve necessary Merit Badges with your Scoutmaster, ASM, or Parent.
Find a Merit Badge and review its requirements in your Handbook or Scoutbook.
Meet with the Scoutmaster to discuss and receive a signed "Blue Card" (seen here).
Keep your cards safe! See our Record keeping page under "Advancement" in the menu above for tips.
Research resources to help with completion of the Merit Badge such as the Troop's Merit Badge Library, online Merit Badge resources (see links under How We Do Stuff > Helpful Links).
Work with the Merit Badge Counselor assigned by the Scoutmaster or the Troop Committee who will guide and assist the Scout as well as certify completion of the requirements and sign off on the Card. BSA Youth Protection rules apply. Only the Counselor can sign off on the requirements and the Badge's completion.
Take a picture of the Blue Card after it is completely filled out and signed, and save the picture to a safe location as a back up to the paper card.
Login to Scoutbook to indicate completion of the Blue Card. Go to My Dashboard > Administration > My Account > My Advancement > Start Another Merit Badge > Select the Merit Badge. Click on the Percent Complete Check Box and enter the date of completion from the Card. Use the Camera Icon at the bottom of the page to upload the picture of your completed and signed card. The Advancement Chair will review and approve the electronic version of the Blue Card.
Turn in the Blue Card to the Advancement Chair at a Troop Meeting or if they are not available give to the Scoutmaster. They will return the "Record" portion of the Blue Card which should then be kept in a safe place (see our Recordkeeping page in the menu above).
Receiving the Merit Badge: The Merit Badge will be awarded at the first opportunity; either at the closing of that Troop Meeting or the opening of the next Troop Meeting. Formal recognition will also be made at the next scheduled Court of Honor. Every attempt should be made to Submit the Blue Card and Scoutbook entry at least one week prior to a Court of Honor.
Earning Merit Badges At Summer Camp:
Class Selection: Scouts should consult with their Assistant Scoutmaster to plan out their selection of Merit Badge Classes at Summer Camp to insure they will make the most effective use of this opportunity.
Classes at Camp: The Scout will attend classes during Summer Camp to complete requirements towards their Merit Badges.
At the completion of Camp, the Camp Administrators will present the Troop Leaders in Attendance with the completed Merit Badge requirements for each Camper. The Leaders will audit the information to insure Scouts receives credit for the classes taken.
[Insert Text here - Who Makes Blue Cards? what is the "chain of custody"?]
[Insert Text here - Scoutbook entries?]
[Insert Text here - are any awards presented at camp?]
The Merit Badge(s) will be awarded at the first opportunity; either at the closing of that Troop Meeting or the opening of the next Troop Meeting. Formal recognition will also be made at the next scheduled Court of Honor.
Earning Merit Badges at a Workshop:
At the completion of a Clinic, Class, or Workshop, Scouts should receive a completed and signed Blue Card.
Keep your cards safe! See our Record keeping page under "Advancement" in the menu above for tips.
Take a picture of the Blue Card after it is completely filled out and signed, and save the picture to a safe location as a back up to the paper card.
Login to Scoutbook to indicate completion of the Blue Card. Go to My Dashboard > Administration > My Account > My Advancement > Start Another Merit Badge > Select the Merit Badge. Click on the Percent Complete Check Box and enter the date of completion from the Card. Use the Camera Icon at the bottom of the page to upload the picture of your completed and signed card. The Advancement Chair will review and approve the electronic version of the Blue Card.
Turn in the Blue Card to the Advancement Chair at a Troop Meeting or if they are not available give to the Scoutmaster. They will return the "Record" portion of the Blue Card which should then be kept in a safe place (see our Recordkeeping page in the menu above).
Receiving the Merit Badge: The Merit Badge will be awarded at the first opportunity; either at the closing of that Troop Meeting or the opening of the next Troop Meeting. Formal recognition will also be made at the next scheduled Court of Honor. Every attempt should be made to Submit the Blue Card and Scoutbook entry at least one week prior to a Court of Honor.