Regular Activities

The Troop Calendar can be accessed at (or in the Scoutbook app) with all of these activities...

Troop Meetings (Weekly)

The Troop will meet weekly on Monday evenings, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., in the Sinclair House located near the Church on Old Forge Road. Scouts are expected to attend in Full Field Uniform (“Class A”) unless otherwise authorized by the Scoutmaster. Troop neckerchiefs are worn from Labor Day thru Memorial Day at Troop Meetings and at other times as stated by the Scoutmaster.

Patrol Meetings (weekly)

Patrol Meetings are held as part of the weekly Troop meeting, as necessary (typically before outings). 

Patrol Leaders Council - PLC  (Monthly)

The PLC will normally meet on the last Monday of every month, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 PM, with additional meetings called by the Scoutmaster as needed. PLC Meetings are attended by the Scoutmaster, Patrol Leaders, Troop Guide and Troop Junior Leaders (Quartermasters, Scribes, OA Representatives and Troop Webmaster).  Troop ASMs are welcome to participate in the PLC as invited by the Scoutmaster.

Assistant Scoutmaster - ASM - Meeting (Monthly)

Monthly ASM meetings are normally held the third Wednesday of the month from 7:00 PM to 8:30PM at a location designated by the Scoutmaster.  ASMs attend this monthly meeting to discuss Troop issues, needs and concerns, plan for upcoming calendar events, and review recent outings for the benefit of future program scheduling.  The Troop Chartered Organization Representative, Troop Committee Chair and Troop Treasurer are also invited to attend the ASM meeting.

Annual Planning Conference

The PLC will hold an Annual Planning Conference at a special meeting every August in order to plan the Troop calendar and budget for the next calendar year.

Troop Committee Meetings (Monthly)

Troop Committee Meetings are typically held on the third Sunday of every month at the RUMC Scouthut at 4:00 PM, to review the Troop's program and to establish Troop policies.  All parents and Committee Members are invited and encouraged to attend. Advance agendas will be sent out via e-mail.

Boards of Review

Scouts who have completed their Scoutmaster Conference and are prepared to pursue advancement must schedule a meeting with the Advancement Chairperson one week prior to the requested date for their Board of Review.  After the Scoutmaster or ASM's have certified the completion of the Rank Requirements, it is the Board of Review that actually promotes a Scout to the next higher rank.

Court of Honor - Awards Ceremony + Banquet (Spring, Fall, December)

To recognize Scout advancements, merit badge accomplishments and other awards, the Troop holds Courts of Honor at least three times yearly, posting the schedule in advance on the Troop Calendar. Parents are expected to attend these important ceremonies to witness and support their son’s progress in Scouting.

Normally, three Courts of Honor (our awards ceremony) are held annually, and these are scheduled at the Annual Planning Conference (Courts of Honor usually are schedule for May, August/September, and December). Scouts who have earned rank advancements, merit badges, awards or other distinctions will be recognized formally at this time. All Scouts are strongly encouraged to attend the Court of Honor as a show of support for their fellow Scouts.

The Troop will also hold its Annual Family Banquet in conjunction with the December Court of Honor.

The Troop will invite the Northern Ridge District Chairman and Northern Ridge District Commissioner to all Troop Court’s of Honor.

With assistance from the Advancement Chair, the youth leadership plans the Court of Honor ceremony, and the Scoutmaster and Senior Patrol Leader or designated Scout(s) serve as Masters of Ceremony.

All parents are asked to attend Courts of Honor as a show of support to the Troop, and especially when their son is being recognized for his personal achievement. In the case of advancement, the parents or guardian will be called forward with their son to honor him for his advancement in rank.

Eagle Scout Court of Honor

Eagle Courts of Honor are held separately from the Troop Court of Honor, on a day selected by the Eagle Scout Candidate. The Eagle Scout Candidate and his family will plan the ceremony, with help from the Scoutmaster and/or the Advancement Chairperson. Scouts and Troop families are encouraged to attend to recognize the outstanding accomplishments of these Eagle Scouts.

Troop Activities and Official Outings (Monthly)

At least one activity will be planned at the Annual Planning Conference for every month on the Troop Calendar. Parents are often called upon to help organize, transport, and attend outings.

Summer Camp

In addition to "uniformed" leaders, parents are needed to attend portions of Summer Camp to help supervise the Scouts for a day or two.

Service Projects

The concept of cheerful service to others is one of the core beliefs of the Scouting program, and it is discussed in the Tenderfoot rank requirements. Participation in a service project is also a requirement for Second Class, Star, and Life ranks. Proposed service projects must be reviewed and approved in advance by the Scoutmaster. 

As part of Scouting’s concept of cheerful service, Troop 431 will regularly provide service project assistance to Roswell United Methodist Church, the Troop’s Chartered Organization.  The Troop regularly schedules service projects on the Troop calendar to assist our Scouts in meeting rank advancement requirements. Periodically, other projects may be requested and offered to the Troop through notification by the Scoutmaster. Service projects provide an opportunity for the Scouts to give back to the community and to demonstrate their appreciation for what the community has provided to the Scout, his family, and his friends and neighbors.  Each Troop 431 Scout is expected to cheerfully and regularly participate in these Troop service projects. 

For the Eagle rank, the Scout must plan, develop and give leadership to others in a service project approved by the Scoutmaster, the Troop Committee and the District Advancement Committee (details in the Life to Eagle Scout Guide).  Service projects should be for non-profit organizations such as, religious institutions, schools or community centers.  Younger Scouts and their families are encouraged to support and volunteer for the Eagle Projects of Troop 431 Eagle candidates.

High Adventure Outings

Once a Scout fulfills and maintains the High Adventure Crew requirements, he may join a Crew and participate in special outings. The High Adventure Program is planned to offer challenging and adventurous outings for older Scouts. Scouts will have opportunities to earn special awards, such as the 50-Mile Hiking Award, as they complete Crew outings. Planning for Crew outings takes place outside the regular meeting schedule, and outings are in addition to activities planned at the Annual Planning Conference. A minimum of two adults are required to attend these outings with the Scouts. Emphasis is not placed on rank advancement or merit badges, but rather, on the effective use of Scouting skills, outdoor codes of conduct and other talents and abilities.