Scoutmaster Conference
Please use the form below and don't email someone for a conference. You will be directed back here.
Are you ready for your next rank and unsure of what to do next? Follow these steps to get your Scoutmaster Conference.
All requirements except Scout Spirit, Scoutmaster Conference, & Board of Review must be signed off in your hand book.
All requirements except Scout Spirit, Scoutmaster Conference, & Board of Review must be approved in ScoutBook
Place your name on the board in the Scout Hut, Titled "Scoutmaster Conference", with rank you are sitting for.
You may also fill out the form below
Talk to your Patrol Coach, If you are sitting for a rank below First Class he/she is most likely the one you will be sitting with.
If sitting for First Class or above, talk to your Patrol Coach to get help setting it up with the Scoutmaster.
What to bring with you:
Full Class A Uniform (Field Uniform). Socks, Hat, Pants, Shirt
Scout Hand Book
Red Notebook
Positive attitude!!