All Scouts are encouraged to support their Troop and Patrol by active participation in Troop and Patrol activities.
In large part, Scouting is devoted toward developing the leadership qualities of the Scout. These leadership skills will be of benefit to the Scout throughout his life. Guidelines for Leadership requirements are contained in the handbook and the appendix. It is Troop policy that at least 67% attendance at Troop Meetings and on Campouts is maintained to Leadership Credit for Rank Advancement. Simply stated, a Scout cannot provide leadership to others if he is not there himself.
Initiation, Hazing, Harassment
Initiation, hazing or harassment of a Scout is not allowed and will not be tolerated. Each member of Troop 431 is here to learn, to teach…and to have FUN!
Code of Conduct
A Scout is required to conduct himself in a proper manner at all functions and at all times. Most discipline issues will be handled by the Junior Leadership of the Troop and will stress a positive tone. Discipline problems will usually be handled in the following manner:
A verbal warning will be issued for behavior that disrupts a Troop activity or is dangerous.
If the problem persists, the Patrol Leader, Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) and/or Scoutmaster may opt for a Time Out from the activity, request that a parent or guardian immediately pick up the Scout (outings included), or request that parent or guardian accompany the Scout on future outings until further notice.
On the rare occasion when formal discipline becomes necessary, the following actions and definitions are among the options available to the Scoutmaster and the Troop Committee:
Reprimand: The Scout will remain with the Troop. A letter of reprimand may be placed in the Scout’s file.
Probation: The Scout will remain with the Troop, on the condition that a further violation of Troop rules within a period of not longer than 12 months will, at the discretion of the Scoutmaster with Troop Committee approval, result in a formal suspension.
Suspension: The Scout will not be allowed to participate in Troop activities for a period of no more than six months.
Expulsion: All relationship with the Troop will be severed.
Link to BSA Code Of Conduct CLICK HERE