Scouting Jargon

The Language of Scouting, Acronyms, and Terms

APL - Assistant Patrol Leader

ASM - Assistant Scoutmaster

ASPL - Assistant Senior Patrol Leader

B-P - Baden-Powell (Scouting’s Founder)

BSA - Boy Scouts of America

COPE - (Challenging Outdoor Personal   


COR - Chartered Organization Representative

CSE - Chief Scout Executive

DE - District Executive

DiD - District Director

EDGE - Training method (Explain,

Demonstrate, Guide, Enable)

FOS - Friends of Scouting

JASM - Junior Assistant Scoutmaster

LNT - Leave No Trace

NESA - National Eagle Scout Association

NYLT - National Youth Leadership Training 

OA - Order of the Arrow

PRAY - Programs of Religious Activities with Youth

PL - Patrol Leader

PLC - Patrol Leaders Council

PTC - Philmont Training Center

SE - Scout Executive

SM - Scoutmaster

SPL - Senior Patrol Leader

YPT - Youth Protection Training