Troop Governance & Structure

Troop 431 is a chartered Boy Scout unit in the Northern Ridge District of the Atlanta Area Council, Boy Scouts of America.  Roswell United Methodist Church Roswell, Georgia, is the chartering partner for Troop 431. In return, all members of Troop 431 are expected to act consistently with the wishes of the chartering partner and the Church.


Troop Policy will follow the guidelines and regulations of the Boy Scouts of America as set forth by the National Council for the Boy Scouts of America and the Northern Ridge District of the Atlanta Area Council.

Specific Troop Policy will be established or changed by majority vote of the Troop Committee. Approved policies will be posted on the Troop website and published in updates of the Troop’s Guide To Scouting. 


Scout accounts are to be used to purchase Scouting related equipment or to defray Troop or High Adventure Crew activity fees and associated expenses. Should a Scout transfer to another Troop, withdraw or be expelled from Troop 431, the balance in his account will be transferred to a related family member within the Troop. If he has no related family member within the Troop, the remaining balance will be transferred into the Troop’s Saving Account into the Scholarship Fund.

Troop Committee

The Troop Committee is the governing authority of Troop 431. All parents of Scouts on the active roster are encouraged to attend Committee Meetings. The Committee Chairperson is selected by the Chartering Organization. Registered Troop Committee members are expected to complete the required training for their position.  Positions with specific responsibilities on the Troop Committee are:

Scoutmaster Staff

The Scoutmaster is selected by the Troop Committee. Assistant Scoutmasters are selected by the Scoutmaster and approved by the Troop Committee. Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters are expected to be fully trained and must complete the required training for their position provided.

Youth Protection

All registered leaders, including "Uniformed" Leaders, Committee Members, are required to be Youth Protection Training (YPT).  Non-registered adults going on outings for 72 hours or more (such as summer camp) must take the new YPT (the 72 hours are cumulative, not consecutive).

Quick Link:  BSA Youth Protection Website.

Quick Link:  BSA Youth Protection Barriers to Abuse and Reporting

Junior Leaders

 The Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) is the youth leader of the Troop.  Eligible Scouts may run in a Troop wide election for the role of Senior Patrol Leader and Assistant Senior Patrol Leader(s) (ASPL). The SPL must be First Class Scout or higher.  Candidates for SPL must be a member of the Troop for at least one year prior to the ballot. The Scout receiving the highest number of votes in the ballot election for a particular position will serve for a six-month term as Senior Patrol Leader.  Senior Patrol Leaders will be selected at a Troop election using a secret ballot.  A majority of registered Troop members must be present at the meeting in order to conduct the election. The Troop may utilize two ASPLs.  The ASPL (Patrols) will be responsible for overseeing the Troop’s Patrols and the ASPL (Junior Leaders) will be responsible for overseeing the Troop’s appointed Junior Leader’s (listed below).  In terms of Troop hierarchy, the ASPL (Patrols) will be next in order of succession after the SPL. The SPL will appoint other Scouts to the following positions with the advice and counsel of the Scoutmaster. A Scout must have earned the rank of First Class to be considered for a Troop Junior leadership position:

Scouts holding these Junior Leadership positions remain members of their Patrols.

Troop Guides will be appointed by the Scoutmaster and will serve at his discretion. The Scoutmaster will establish the duties and responsibilities of the Troop Guides.

A Junior Assistant Scoutmaster may be selected by the Scoutmaster and approved by the Troop Committee.  A Scout should be at least 16 years old, an Eagle Scout and be active in the Troop to be appointed to this important position.

Patrol Organization

The Patrol is the most important and basic unit within the Boy Scout program.

Troop membership will be divided into Patrols. The Scoutmaster Staff is responsible for assignment of Scouts to Patrols, taking into consideration the individual preferences of the Scouts themselves. It is in everyone’s interest to establish content and cohesive units.

Each Patrol will determine its own name, flag and yell, and will elect a Patrol Leader for a term of six months.  The Patrol will also elect an Assistant Patrol Leader.

Patrols are strengthened by successful relationships among our Scouts, but we understand there may be occasional squabbles among or between members. If you believe a problem has developed within the Patrol, please report your concern to the Assistant Scoutmaster of the Patrol concerned in place of stepping into the situation yourself. Our Scoutmasters will work with the boys to address the problem and dispel any issues. 

Hazing of New Scouts is banned by the Troop, is against BSA policy, and will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

Patrol Leaders Council (PLC)

The Patrol Leaders Council (PLC) will consist of the Senior Patrol Leader (SPL), Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders (ASPLs), Patrol Leaders representing each Patrol, Troop Guide, and appointed Troop Junior Scout Leaders.  Although the Troop Junior Scout Leaders are required to attend the PLC, they do not have voting rights. In addition, all Scouts are welcome to attend the PLC Meeting as non-voting observers. 

The PLC will meet monthly to develop plans for Troop activities and meetings. The PLC is chaired by the SPL. Other Scouts may be asked to participate as determined by the SPL. 

The Scoutmaster will act as advisor to the PLC and will hold discretionary veto power over all PLC decisions.

High Adventure Crews

High adventure is a big part of the Scouting experience. Participation in high adventure is a privilege that is offered to Scouts in addition to their participation in Troop Meetings, outings and activities. Our high adventure crew members are an accomplished group of Scouts who possess the knowledge and skills to engage in high adventure activities. Membership in the crew benefits older Scouts who excel in outdoor and leadership abilities, allowing them to participate in challenging activities that put their well learned skills to the test. Scouts who participate in high adventure outings remain active in their Patrols, and participate in all Patrol activities. 

Requirements for participating in the High Adventure Crews are: